Ecotherapy is an experience that improves your mood and clarity of thinking, has no recorded side effects and is backed by research!
Ecotherapy is based on the fact that there is a quality of experience that is different when people connect to nature as opposed to human-made environments. Even as a child I was aware that playing outside improved my mood and I have always been keen to share this fact with others, hoping others would feel the same benefit.
Ecotherapy is different to counselling, it is usually a group activity, similar to mindfulness and most importantly it takes place outside in nature - which we are part of.
The session begins with us physically relaxing, releasing tension and being more aware of our bodies, our physical self - because we are part of our surroundings this is the first step of us connecting to it. By being in touch with our physical self, we are also brought into the present, being in the present allows us to open up our senses and increase our contact with nature. Being in the present, also means we aren't focusing on memories of what has already happened or having to picture what might happen in the future - we try and remain in this open relaxed state as we leisurely move through our surroundings.
So, at the core of ecotherapy is the combination of increased awareness of the present and an immersion in nature, these together can lead to a different way of seeing and feeling things.
The charity Mind commissioned the University of Essex to undertake research investigating the benefits of ecotherapy (green activities) for mental stress and in Mind's report in 2007 they recommended that ecotherapy should be recognised as a clinically valid treatment for mental distress.
Ecotherapy can be accessed through Welcoming Space (there is a charge), also through charities and funded organisations where it is often free of charge but best of all you can carry these activities out for free by yourself or with family or friends.
In future post I hope to share some of the ecotherapy activities for you to try.
